Greenholm Ethos and Aims

At Greenholm School we are a school that is welcoming, safe and creates an environment which values and supports everyone’s learning


At Greenholm we encourage all our children to strive to improve upon their previous achievement and develop their creativity and independence. We provide an environment, which enables them to be happy, confidant responsible and make a positive contribution to our community.


We aim towards a valued partnership between parents/carers and the school, which encourages a shared responsibility for the development, health and safety of the whole child.


We all value and are responsible for creating an ethos that promotes inclusive practice. We aim to achieve this through providing a positive and consistent approach, which is supportive of the continual emotional development of all and by demonstrating mutual respect, openness and honesty

Lifelong learning

We aim to provide an environment, which gives opportunities for all individuals to attain their positive aspirations and develop all the skills, which will support them in all aspects of their lives as responsible and healthy citizens.


In order to ensure that children receive teaching of the highest quality, the dedicated staff at Greenholm are encouraged and offered the opportunity to further their professional skills within a supportive environment.

School Community

As a forward-thinking school community, we value and aim to increase community links through effective communication, being supportive, and offering opportunities for inclusion, involvement, and learning for all.