Year 6 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

We hope everybody had a really enjoyable Easter break and is ready to start their final term in Year 6.

The first half term of Summer will have a SATS focus, where we aim to prepare th3e children as best as possible for their exams. We will work in groups to practise past papers to ensure that the children know exactly what to expect and that they have a good understanding of different exam techniques. Our aim is to give build the children’s confidence to reduce any stress and anxiety that the SATs may cause and to make sure that they are familiar with the routines.

In Literacy, we will focus on writing for a variety of purposes. We will begin with persuasive writing and moving to writing a biography based on Frankenstein’s monster. In Numeracy, we will continue to practise our arithmetic and mental maths skills and be moving onto statistics, measure and reviewing reasoning questions in all of the units covered.

Our theme for this term is legacies, where we will be studying the history of human civilisation. We will be reviewing history that has been taught throughout primary school beginning with the early human civilisations such as the Egyptians and the Mayans leading up to modern history (Victorians, WW2 etc.). Our focus will be on environmental changes and cultural changes developing a good understanding of how society has developed today. from the beginning of the Bullring Market.

In geography, we will be learning about deforestations and climate change. The children will complete a project over Summer, which will require then to work in groups and practise their communication and team work skills.

There are a number of trips and projects planned for year 6 to celebrate the end of their time in primary school over the second half-term. As a treat for attending Uni week and working hard to achieve well in their SATs, year 6 will be taken to Drayton Manor as a free trip to all that attended. There is also a trip to Blackwell (which you should already be aware of) in June that all of the children really enjoy. We also have some exciting employer led challenges that give the children the opportunity to learn about the world of work and a range of careers.

Finally, year 6 will continue to have P.E. every Thursday and will need to bring their P.E. every week. Homework will still be handed out on a Friday every week and will be due in the following Thursday. At the end of the year there will be a leavers’ assembly in the last week and a graduation for everybody to enjoy.

Thank you for all your support this year and we hope that the final term of primary school is a good one.

The Year 6 Team